Designer: Brian Holm
Machinists: Brandon Baron & Tyler Townley
Material: 6061-T6 Aluminum
Software: MasterCAM
Part Description: The uprights shown to the right are an integral part of the Canyon Motorsports Suspension and Wheel assemblies. Utilizing Solidworks simulation tools like Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Brian was able to create a light (1.9lbs) but the strong part that can withstand the various forces that are experienced by the suspension and wheel assemblies. The simplistic design of the upright allowed for ease of manufacturing such that the part only required two setups when placed into a Haas Minimill 2. Both machining operations for the uprights were programmed using the industry-leading software known as MasterCAM.
Designer: Brian Holm
Machinists: Tucson-CNC Machining & Engineeering
Material: 6061-T6 Aluminum
Software: MasterCAM
Part Description: The aluminum rockers shown are a small be useful part in the suspension system. in this year’s design the suspension employs a push-rod setup that allows the dampers of the vehicle to move inboard. The two styles of rocker allow the movement of the vehicle’s wheels to move through the push-rods to the rockers and finally to the dampers. Previously the rockers a were plasma cut from sheet metal, but this was changed this year to upgrade the suspension to a stronger overall system. Also stated by the designer, “Machined aluminum looks nice.” The parts were precision machined by our Silver Sponsor Tucson-CNC Machining & Engineering. They are a returning sponsor of Canyon Motorsports and we could not be more fortunate to have such an amazing partner in Tuscon-CNC